papaiz1947 – The history of the Papaiz Group began when Luigi Papaiz started a small mechanical activity in the city of Bologna, Italy.

1952 – Luigi Papaiz decided to move in to Brazil to search for better opportunities. He arrived in São Paulo on May 9, with some machines as luggage. Papaiz started its activities in the neighborhood of Vila Prudente. The supply of locks to furniture industries allowed to leverage the initial growth of the company, whose rationale has always been to direct resources towards the development of businesses through an ongoing investment in state-of-the-art industrial machines and equipment, in addition to promoting constantly the human factor. Afterwards, the company started to manufacture padlocks, and in the 70´s it also began to manufacture high security home locks.

1982 – Aided by a number of Brazilians, Papaiz expanded its activities until the inauguration of the modern industrial facilities located in the city of Diadema.

2010 – the Papaiz Group has 4 companies: Papaiz , Udinese Metais, Papaiz Nordeste and Papaiz Asia With the new millennium Papaiz has entered the standardized frame segment, through the introduction of a new products,with a view to provide the market with more sophisticated products, able to meet the consumers´ most complex needs.

Our high quality products are exported to over 40 countries, through worldwide representatives and distributors.

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